Sunday, October 7, 2007

Mea Familia :: The Second Time is a Charm

My sis's second wedding was yesterday and me and the girls had a great time. Despite it being in Little Falls, NY (which I'm convinced was inspirational to Richard Russo's outstanding, Pulitzer winning "Empire Falls") the locale was the very beautiful Beardsly Castle. The weather was a bit on the unseasonably hot side (80F in October? No such thing as climate chaos/global warming...), but Neek's set the start time at 11am (!!!) which in retrospect was excellent timing as a near tropical depression-like storm front rolled in ~5pm and ruined the outdoor setting for the evening wedding party. The DJ was Johny-on-the-Spot with the tunes and schedule and the food was some of the best we've ever had at a wedding (roast beast w/ fried onions, chicken in cream sauce, homemade style mac-n-cheese, garlic mashers, and rice pilaf... all served family-style... G-licious!).

Maia and Amelie were the life of the dance floor! At one point LaeLae decided she no longer wanted to have her (torn, grass-stained) stockings on anymore and smack in the middle of the dance floor she plopped down, pulled 'em off and tossed them over her head onto an nearby table... that's my little girl... 8^)

All and all, it was a great time and we had the opportunity to catch up with a good number of our extended LAVALee family and my new bro-in-law's family (welcommen!). Maia and an old friend of ours ("little Jenny Yates" all growned up) totally hit it off and I imagine will be developing a long and fruitful friendship at a distance... a circular life-ellipsis of cosmic proportions, IMOHO.

To Monique and BJ, we wish you all the best and are very excited for both of you and the family you've already made in your sphere of love. May The Universe always smile upon you guys.

Today we're hanging on my old stomping grounds at RPI... Checking out all the changes over the past ~7 years since I was last on campus and catching up with old friends who still haven't reach TEV (Troy Escape Velocity). Amelie also needs to get a taste of life in Troy if she thinks she's going to live up to her Daddee's expectations for her to be a "Super Geek Chick" (no pressure, Snugs... none at all...). She's such a cool kid... despite the few fits we've had, just a joy to travel with and have as our little companion (it helps that everyone she meets adores her).

Anywho... over and out... don't try this at home... the beginning is near.

Currently reading: The Universe in a Single Atom, When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops, The FairTax Book, and Sixty Days and Counting.

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